Welcome to 2024 Team Penske Sponsor Photo Site Log-in!
If you are an existing member of the team sponsor photo site, you should have received an email asking you to create a new profile to log-in to the Team Penske Photo Shelter service. If you have completed this process, or if you are an existing member of Photo Shelter, please select the “Sponsor Log-In” option below to insert your log-in information and access the Team Penske Sponsor Photo Site. If you have not yet created a Photo Shelter profile, please select the “Register Now” option below. Once you have created a new profile, you will be able to access the site here or directly at sponsorphotos.teampenske.com. By selecting either of the options, you will agree to the terms and conditions of use for the Team Penske Sponsor Photo Site below.
Terms and Conditions of Use
As a valued sponsor of Team Penske I understand that the images contained on the password-protected area of this web site are owned by Team Penske. My unique user ID and password will be used only by me and I agree to only download images that are related to my company’s partnership with Team Penske. I agree that any external usage of any of the images contained on this site requires prior approval of Team Penske. I understand that by not complying with any of these stipulations, my access to the Team Penske Sponsor Photo Site may be limited or revoked in the future.